Meet The Talent – Kimberly Hulberg


Royalty, Celebrities, Industry Tycoons and Artists, Kimberly Hulberg works with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and beyond. We caught up with Kimberly to find out more about what she does and how she has (literally) touched the lives of some of the most influential people of our time.

What's your background?

I've been doing body work for 30 years. I started out when I was very young – it was an easy, totally natural calling. I studied in Calgary, and got my early experience in Canada at a Mike Wiegele’s Helicopter skiing resort, but have since traveled with clients throughout the USA, Maui to New York, and all around the world! It's been a blessing to see the world, and I've picked up some wonderful clients along the way.

What do you do? 

I initially trained in Swedish relaxation massage, then deep tissue and started learning Craniosacral therapy in the early 90’s. It brings both a spiritual element to sessions and an alignment and structural piece where clients can seek a more holistic approach to care. I've been practicing for a long time, I’m always studying, and I've picked up other modalities of therapy such as Visceral Manipulation, Lymphatic Drainage, Somatic Emotional Release and some counselling.

Where I am in my career now, I operate privately and travel to wherever my clients need me.


Your client list is really impressive! What unique challenges does working with actors and performers present? 

Body work, and the therapies I practice aim to provide resources to the body to allow self-healing before any major body 'blow-outs' where serious injury or trauma can be caused.

Interestingly, around 50% of my clientele are performers. I work on some really big film sets ever year. It's often stuntmen, actors and producers that most need work. I have found that, in my experience, performers are physically self-aware and their bodies are finely tuned. As you might expect in a profession that requires being open to taking direction on fine movements and postures – when I suggest adjustments to my client's body, they generally respond very well quickly and accurately! Their bodies are wound pretty tightly, because of the stress and the energy that they need to draw upon during production.

To learn more about Kimberly, find her on Instagram